CBSE Class 12 History Framing The Constitution MCQs

Refer to CBSE Class 12 History Framing The Constitution MCQs provided below. CBSE Class 12 History MCQ questions with answers are available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 12 History with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested in Class 12 by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Multiple Choice Questions for Chapter 15 Framing The Constitution are an important part of exams for Class 12 History and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding of Chapter 15 Framing The Constitution and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 12 History and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Class 12 History Chapter 15 Framing The Constitution

Class 12 History students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Chapter 15 Framing The Constitution in Class 12.

Chapter 15 Framing The Constitution MCQ Questions Class 12 History with Answers


Constitution came into effect on 26 January 1950
The Indian Constitution, which came into effect on 26 January 1950, has the distinction of being the longest in the world the smallest being American Constitution.
But its length and complexity are perhaps understandable when one considers the country’s size and diversity.

Painstakingly drafted document.
At Independence, India was not merely large and diverse, but also deeply divided.
A Constitution designed to keep the country together, and to take it forward, had necessarily to be an elaborate, carefully-worked-out, and painstakingly drafted document.

To heal wounds of the past
For one thing, it sought to heal wounds of the past and the present, to make Indians of different classes, castes and communities come together in a shared political experiment.

To nurture democratic institutions
It sought to nurture democratic institutions in what had long been a culture of hierarchy and deference.

Framed between December 1946 and December 1949
The Constitution of India was framed between December 1946 and December 1949.
During this time its drafts were discussed clause by clause in the Constituent Assembly of India.
In all, the Assembly held eleven sessions, with sittings spread over 165 days.

Committees and sub-committees.
In between the sessions, the work of revising and refining the drafts was carried out by various committees and sub-committees.

The vision of the new nation formulated
This chapter will introduce you to the history that lies behind the Constitution, and the intense debates that were part of its making. The constitution making underwent a lot of process and the vision of the new nation formulated.

Key concepts
• The Indian constitution was framed between Dec.1946 & Dec.1949.
• The Indian constitution came into effect on 26th Jan.1950.
• The members of the constituent Assembly were elected on the basis of the provincial elections of 1946.
• Dr.B.R.Ambedkar was the chairman of the Drafting Committee, and played important role in the constituent Assembly.

Objective Resolution” : On the the 13 December1946 Nehru moved the “Objective Resolution” in the constituent Assembly. He proclaimed that India would be an independent Sovereign
Republic, guaranteed to its citizens Justice, Equality and Freedom and assured safety to all depressed and backward classes.
• An interim Government was made under the leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru.
A Constituent Assembly was formed to frame a constitution.
• The total members of the constituent Assembly were 300. There were a vigorous debates in the constituent Assembly on the topic of Visions of the Consitution, separate electorate, Minorities, powers of the state, language of the nation etc.
The chapter contains some sources of the famous speeches of leaders.
• The language issue was debated for many months within the constituent assembly.
• Mahatma Gandhi believed that every one should talk a language which even common man could be able to understand



Question. When did the Indian Constitution come into effect?
a. 26 January 1949
b. 26 January 1950
c. 15 August 1947
d. 26 November 1950

Answer : A

Question. Which political group viewed the Constituent Assembly as a creation of the British?
a. The Indian National Congress
b. The Muslim League
c. The Liberals
d. The Socialists

Answer : D

Question. The Indian Constitution was framed between___________
a. December 1946 and November 1949
b. December 1947 and November 1950
c. November 1946 and December 1949
d. November 1947 and December 1950

Answer : C

Question. “... as an Adibasi, I am not expected to understand the legal intricacies of the Resolution.” Who said this?
a. Birsa Munda
b. Alluri Seetha Rama Raju
c. Jaipal Singh
d. Tirot Singh

Answer : C

Question. Who gave the speech “A Tryst with Destiny” and when?
a. Mahatma Gandhi, 15 August 1947
b. B.R Ambedkar, 26 January 1950
c. Jawaharlal Nehru, 14 August 1947
d. Rajendra Prasad, 15 August 1947

Answer : C

Question. Which article gave the centre the powers to take over a state administration on the recommendation of the Governor?
a. Article 360
b. Article 350
c. Article 353
d. Article 356

Answer : D

Question. While welcoming the Objectives Resolution, who urged that the term minorities be interpreted in economic terms?
a. N.G. Ranga
b. Jawaharlal Nehru
c. B.R. Ambedkar
d. Mahatma Gandhi

Answer : A

Question. Who was appointed as the first law minister of India?
a. Jawaharlal Nehru
b. B.R Ambedkar
c. Rajendra Prasad
d. Sardar Vallabhai Patel

Answer : B

Question. “We have been suffering, but we are prepared to suffer no more.” Who said this?
a. B.R. Ambedkar
b. J. Nagappa
c. K.J. Khanderkar
d. Subash Chandra Bose

Answer : B

Question. Who were the two significant lawyers who served Dr. B.R Ambedkar in the drafting of the Constitution?
a. K.M Munshi and Krishnaswamy
b. S.N Mukherjee and Krishnaswamy
c. B.N Rau and S.N Mukherjee
d. K.M Munshi and B.N Rau

Answer : B

Question :  Which of the following statements are true regarding the composition of the Constituent Assembly?
(a) The representatives were to be elected from the four constituents – Hindu, Muslim, Sikh & Christian.
(b) The total strength of the Constituent Assembly was 389.
(c) The chairman of the Union Constituent Committee was Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.
(d) The Drafting Committee under the chairmanship of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar consisted of eight members.

Answer :  D

Question :  The idea of a Constituent Assembly was put forward for the first time by:
(a) M.N. Roy
(b) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
(c) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(d) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

Answer :  A

Question :  Which of the following leaders introduced the ‘Objective Resolution’?
(a) DrBRAmbedkar
(b) Vallabh Bhai Patel
(c) Dr Rajendra Prasad
(d) Jawaharlal Nehru

Answer :  D

Question :  The constitution of India was framed by the constituent Assembly under:
(a) August Offer of 1940
(b) Cripps proposal of 1942
(c) The Cabinet mission Plan of 1946
(d) The Shimla Conference of 1945

Answer :  C

Question :  The constitution of India came into effect on:
(a) 26th January 1947
(b) 26th January 1950
(c) 26th January 1952
(d) 26th January 1949

Answer :  B

Question :  The group who initially refused to join the Constituent Assembly because they believed that it was a creation of the British, and therefore incapable of being autonomous were
(a) Muslim League
(b) Tribals
(c) Socialists
(d) Harijans

Answer :  C

Question :  The number of members of the constitute assembly of Independence India was:
(a) 200
(b) 300
(c) 350
(d) 270

Answer :  B

Question :  Which member of the drafting committee among the followings worked behind the scenes playing a significant role in the drafting of several reports and working to reconcile opposing points of view:
(a) Vallabh Bhai Patel
(b) Nehru
(c) Rajendra Prasad
(d) B.R. Ambedkar

Answer :  A

Question :  Which member of the drafting committee among the followings was the Chief Draughtsman, and could put complex proposals in clear legal language? 
(a) K.M. Munshi
(b) S. N. Mukherjee
(c) B. N. Rau
(d) Alladi Krishnaswamy Aiyar

Answer :  B

Question :  Who moved the crucial ‘objectives of the constitution?
(a) J.L. Nehru
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Vallabh Bhai Patel
(d) Subhas Chandra Bose

Answer :  A

Question :  Which leader among the following felt that the Constituent Assembly was made according to the British plans as the British would like it?
(a) Somnath Lahiri
(b) Subhas Chandra Bose
(c) S. N. Mukherjee
(d) B. N. Rau

Answer :  A

Question :  Which leader among the following demanded separate electorates where he mentioned that separate electorates for Muslims would ensure their electorates?
(a) Abul kalam Azad
(b) Mohamad Ali Jinnah
(c) B. Pocker Bahadur
(d) B. N. Rau

Answer :  C

Question :  Gandhiji favoured _______ as the national language.
(a) Hindi
(b) Urdu
(c) Hindustani
(d) Persian

Answer : C

Question :  Which of the following was the President of the Constituent Assembly?
(a) Dr Rajendra Prasad
(b) DrBRAmbedkar
(c) Vallabh Bhai Patel
(d) Jawaharlal Nehru

Answer :  A
Question :  Who did move the crucial ‘Objectives Resolution’?
(a) Dr. Rajendera Prasad.
(b) Dr. S Radhakrishnan.
(c) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.
(d) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru. 
Answer :  D
Question : When did the Indian Constitution come into effect?
(a) 26 January 1948
(b) 26 January 1949
(c) 26 January 1950
(d) 26 January 1951

Answer :  C

Question :  Who among the followings declared that separate electorate act as a poison that will enter the politics of our country.
(a) Subhas Chandra Bose
(b) Vallabh Bhai Patel
(c) Mahatma Gandhi
(d) S. N. Mukherjee

Answer :  B

Question :  Who among the followings wanted the term ‘minority, to be interpreted as the economic term?
(a) N.G Ranga
(b) Jaipal Singh
(c) B.N Rao
(d) S. N. Mukherjee

Answer :  A

Question :  Which two civil servants gave vital assistance in preparing the Constitution?
(a) BN Rau and SN Mukherjee
(b) Somnath Lahiri and GB Pant
(c) TA Ramalingam Chettiar and RV Dhulekar
(d) Ms G Durgabai and K Santhanam

Answer :  A
Question :  Under which scheme the Constituent Assembly was formed?
(a) Drafting Committee.
(b) Cabinet Mission Scheme.
(c) Objectives Resolution.
(d) All India States People’s Conference
Answer :  B
Question : Which of the following languages Gandhiji favoured as the national language:
(a) Hindi
(b) Urdu
(c) Hindustani
(d) Persian

Answer :  C

Question :  Which social evil was largely opposed during free India?
(a) Caste System
(b) Sati
(c) Child marriage
(d) Illiteracy

Answer :  C

Question :  Mahatma Gandhi wanted to make _______ language as the national language.
(a) Hindustani
(b) Hindi
(c) Tamil
(d) Urdu

Answer :  A
Question :  Under the which act the elections were held in 1937?
(a) Government of India Act of 1919
(b) Government of India Act of 1935
(c) Government of India Act of 1942
(d) Government of India Act of 1944
Answer :  B
Question :  The group that initially refused to join the Constituent Assembly, as it was a British creation, was that of
(a) Socialists.
(b) Tribals.
(c) Depressed Classes.
(d) Muslim League.
Answer :  A

Question :  Which group of the following opposed child marriage and demanded that widows be allowed to remarry, they were pleading for social justice?
(a) Social Reformers
(b) Communists
(c) Socialists
(d) Muslim League

Answer :  A

Question :  Which of the following leader felt that the use of Hindi language as the language of Constitution?
(a) R.V. Dhulekar
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Jaipal Singh
(d) B. Pocker Bahadur

Answer :  A

Question :  The Congress had accepted that Hindustani ought to be the national language by the
(a) 1920s.
(b) 1930s.
(c) 1940s.
(d) 1950s.
Answer :  B
Question :  The First Law Minister of India was
(a) Dr. Rajendera Prasad.
(b) Dr. B.R.Amedekar.
(c) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.
(d) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.
Answer :  B
Question :  Who was the President of Constituent Assembly?
(a) Jawahar Lai Nehru
(b) B.R. Ambedkar
(c) Dr. Rajender Prasad
(d) Sardar Patel

Answer :  C

Question :  Article 25-28 refer to ________
(a) Freedom of Speech
(b) Freedom of Religion
(c) Freedom of equality
(d) Rights of Education.

Answer :  B

Question :  Who among the followings felt that Hindi should not be pushed aggressively and there should be a mutual adjustment and things should not be forced on people.
(a) T. A. Ramalingam
(b) Shri Shankarrao Deo
(c) Srimati Durgabai
(d) N.G Ranga

Answer :  A

Question :  Article 29, 30 refer to _______ .
(a) Freedom of Religion
(b) Right to Equality
(c) Cultural and Educational Rights
(d) Freedom of Speech

Answer :  C

Question :   __________ felt that this language could unify the Hindus, the Muslims, and people from North and South.
(a) Gandhiji
(b) Srimati Durgabai
(c) N.G Ranga
(d) T. A. Ramalingam

Answer :  A

Question :  The number of members in the Constituent Assembly of Independent India was
(a) 389
(b) 290
(c) 300
(d) 380
Answer : C
Question :  Who was the Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constitution?
(a) Vallabh Bhai Patel
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) KM Munshi
(d) Dr BR Ambedkar

Answer :  D

Question :  Who among the following made a powerful plea for continuing separate electorates?
(a) B Pocker
(b) BN Rao
(c) SN Mukherjee
(d) Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar

Answer :  A

Question :  Who among the followings felt that rights of the states and felt that the reallocation of power is necessary to strengthen the position of States and Centre?
(a) Gandhiji
(b) K. Santhanam
(c) N.G Ranga
(d) T. A. Ramalingam

Answer :  B

Question :  Hindustani language is a blend of
(a) Hindi-Urdu
(b) Hindi- Persian
(c) Hindi- Arabic
(d) Hindi- Sanskrit

Answer :  A


Read the passage carefully and answer any three of the questions that follow.

“The British element is gone, but they have Left the mischief behind”
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel said:
It is no use saying that we ask for separate electorates because it is good for us. We have heard it long enough. We have heard it for years, and as a result of this agitation we are now a separate nation … Can you show me one free country where there are separate electorates? If so, I shall be prepared to accept it. But in this unfortunate country, if this separate electorate is going to be persisted in, even after the division of the country, woe betide the country; it is not worth living in.
Therefore, I say, it is not for my good alone, it is for your own good that I say it, forget the past. One day, we may be united … The British element is gone, but they have left the mischief behind. We do not want to perpetuate that mischief. (Hear, hear). When the British introduced this element, they had not expected that they will have to go so soon. They wanted it for their easy administration.
That is all right. But they have left the legacy behind. Are we to get out of it or not?

Question :  What did Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel say in opposition to the provision of separate electorates?
(A) There was no chance of British leaving India.
(B) There was no need to continue demand for complete freedom.
(C) There was no way to submit to the demands of the British.
(D) There was no provision of separate electorates in any free country of the world.

Answer :  D

Question :  What were the evil-effects of the separate electorates?
(A) The provision of separate electorates was not good for the country.
(B) The provision of separate electorates will lead to the partition of the country.
(C) The provision of separate electorates has brought woes to the people.
(D) All of these.

Answer :  D

Question :  What did he say while making an appeal to abolish separate electorates?
(A) It was like a poison in the political system.
(B) It will boost economy of the country.
(C) It was like a drop in ocean for Purna Swaraj.
(D) None of these.

Answer :  A

Question :  According to Patel, whose mischief it was to provide for separate electorates?
(A) British
(B) Princely states
(C) Muslim League
(D) Indian National Congress

Answer :  A

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