How to Improve Memory to get better marks in Examinations

Students suffer from memory problems; they face deficit in registering knowledge in short term memory and have many difficulties remembering things time to time. If you easily forget things and you feel blank at times then you have to work on your concentration power and memory.

Always try to focus your attention on the CBSE study material you are studying, attention is one of the most important parts of increasing your memory power. You should try to participate actively in learning process. Try to study in free space without any distractions. It helps in memorising things very well and you don’t forget them easily.

Always try to avoid cramming regular study sessions. When you read something ample number of times you are able to process the information adequately. If the students are regularly reviewing their material then they tend to be successful in every session.

Try to structure and organise the knowledge you are studying. Always try to organise the information in different clusters to maintain your memory. It will be advantage to you and you can together review things separately to avoid confusion. Utilise tricks to remember things. Like making calendars, flash cards and using abbreviations to remember points. Rehearse and try to elaborate the information while study sessions. In order to recall the information keep your mind focused to concentrate on your notes.

Always relate new things you already know. You forget new things easily because unfamiliar study material which makes your learning process boring and difficult. When you establish your own ideas with knowledge you feel confident and remember things easily.

Try to visualize concepts; it makes you improve your memory. Make charts, graphics and use pictures. If you don’t have anything to visualize in your notes then make yours. Draw margins and make your work creative to remember. When you teach someone after your study session you feel confident enough to answer anything at any time. Teach new concepts to them to fix your own mind. Don’t keep your study session hectic, sleep is always necessary to help you make you a fresh start with your studies. Do something which you like to do in your free time to relax yourself from over stress.

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