NCERT Book Class 5 English Marigold My Shadow

I have a little shadow that goes                               in and out with me. And what can be the use of him is                              more than I can see. He is very, very like me from the                             heels up to the head; And I see him jump before…

NCERT Solutions Class 5 English Poem 10 Poem 10 Malu Bhalu

  NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Poem 10 Malu Bhalu   1. Where did the polar bear live with her family. Ans. The polar bear lived with her family in an icy lair. 2. What did Malu learn to do from her parents? Ans. Malu learned to catch…

NCERT Solutions Class 5 English Poem 9 Poem 9 Sing a Song of People

  NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Poem 9 Sing a Song of People 1. Which modes of transport do the people use to move around in the city? Ans. In the city people use cars, taxis, buses, trains, trams, rickshaws, etc. to move around. 2. What are the…

NCERT Solutions Class 5 English Poem 8 Poem 8 Nobodys Friend

  NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Poem 8 Nobodys Friend 1. What are the things the girl does not want to share? Ans. The girl does not want to share her book, sweets and doll. 2. Did the boy share his toffee and tricycle with others? Ans. No…

NCERT Solutions Class 5 English Poem 7 Poem 7 Topsy Turvey Land

  NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Poem 7 Topsy Turvey Land 1. When do children go to school in Topsy-turvy land? Ans. In Topsy-turvy land children go to school at night. 2. In the poem, if buses travel on the sea, then where do the boats travel?…

NCERT Solutions Class 5 English Poem 6 Poem 6 Class Discussion

  NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Poem 6 Class Discussion 1. What activity was going on in the class? Ans. Discussion was going on in the class. 2. Who was the quiet one in the class? Ans. Jane was the quiet one in the class. 3. Why was she…

NCERT Solutions Class 5 English Poem 5 Poem 5 The Lazy Frog

  NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Poem 5 The Lazy Frog 1. What did the frog do all the day? Ans. He slept conveniently all day on a log. 2. Besides lazy; what other word can you think of to describe the frog? Ans. How he behaved with his…

NCERT Solutions Class 5 English Poem 4 Poem 4 Crying

  NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Poem 4 Crying 1. According to the poet, should you cry a little or should you cry a lot? Ans. According to the poet, we should cry a lot. 2. What can you do after crying a lot. Ans. We can go park with our…

NCERT Solutions Class 5 English Poem 3 Poem 3 My Shadow

  NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Poem 3 My Shadow 1. Why do you think your shadow looks like? Ans. I think my shadow looks like me. 2. Why do you think your shadow jumps into bed before you can? Ans. When I go near my bed my shadow falls on…

NCERT Solutions Class 5 English Poem 2 Poem 2 Teamwork

  NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Poem 2 Teamwork 1. Do you like to work and play with others? Ans. I like to work and play with other. 2. If nobody passes the ball in a basketball game, then you can’t. Ans. Shoot. 3. In a relay race, if no…

NCERT Solutions Class 5 English Poem 1 Poem 1 Ice Cream Man

  NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Poem 1 Ice Cream Man 1. In which season is ice-cream popular? Ans. Ice-cream is popular in summer season. 2. Who feels joyful on seeing the Ice-Cream Man? Ans. The speaker feels joyful on seeing the Ice-Cream…

NCERT Solutions Class 5 English Chapter 10 Who will be Ningthou

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Chapter 10 Who will be Ningthou 1. Name the place in Manipur where the Ningthou and Leima ruled. Ans. Ningthou and Leima ruled in the land of Kangleipak in Manipur. 2. Why did the people of Kangleipak love their king and queen. Ans…

NCERT Solutions Class 5 English Chapter 9 Around the World

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Chapter 9 Around the World 1. Which tribe of Red Indians attacked the travellers? Ans. The Sioux tribe of Red Indiana attacked the travellers. 2. Which was the highest point of their journey? Ans. The highest point of their journey…

NCERT Solutions Class 5 English Chapter 8 The Little Bully

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Chapter 8 The Little Bully 1. Why did all the children hate Hari? (i) Because he would not talk to anyone. (ii) Because he always pinched them. (iii) Because he loved stealing their food. Ans. (ii) Because he always pinched them. 2…