CBSE Book Class 10 Maths Trigonometry
Please refer to attached file for CBSE Class 10 Maths Trigonometry
CBSE Book Class 10 Maths Tangents to a circle
Tangent to a circle is a line which intersects the circle in exactly one point. At a point of a circle there is one and only one tangent. The tangent at any point of a circle is perpendicular to the radius through the point of contact. The lengths of tangents drawn from an…
CBSE Book Class 10 Maths Statistics
Chapter 15 Statistics Statistics Statistics is the science which studies the methods and techniques used in the collection, presentation and analysis of data and draws. conclusion on the basis of the same. The statistics is thus, used in two senses…
CBSE Book Class 10 Maths Similar Triangles
Chapter 8 Similar Triangles Similar Triangles: Whenever we talk about two congruent figures then they have the ‘same shape’ and the ‘same size’. There are figures that are of the ‘same shape but not necessarily of the ‘same size’. They are said to…
CBSE Book Class 10 Maths Rational Expression
Please refer to attached file for CBSE Class 10 Maths Rational Expression
CBSE Book Class 10 Maths Probability
Probability Sometimes we say, “probably it may rain” or “Probably he may get more than 90% in the examination" etc. These are elements of certainty. Means we are not certain about some things. In mathematics these comes under Probability. The theory of…
CBSE Book Class 10 Maths Mensuration
Chapter 14 Mensuration Surface Area and Volume Conversion of one solid into another solid Some time we have to melt one solid and convert it to another shap. For example we have to convert a metallic sphere to wire in the form of cylinder. The earth taken…
CBSE Book Class 10 Maths Linear Equations
Linear Equations in two variables in two variables Linear equation in two variables can be written as :- ax+by+c=0 and a, b and c are real numbers. This equation has infinitely many solution. When we consider two linear equation …
CBSE Book Class 10 Maths Instalment
Chapter 6 Instalment Instalments Sometimes buyer is not able to purchase an article due to lack of money. Although they are in great need of the same. Businessmen starts selling their articles by installments. The purchaser need not to pay the entire amount at the time of…
CBSE Book Class 10 Maths Income Tax
Chapter 7 Income Tax PERSONAL INCOME TAX Tax imposed by the Government on the income of an indivisual person is known as personal Income tax. Every indivisual, whose annual income exceeds a certain limit, has to pay tax to the Government known as income tax. SOME TERMS…
CBSE Book Class 10 Maths Height and Distance
Chapter 13 Height and Distance Height and Distance Some times we are required to find the height of a tower, tree, building and distance of a ship from light house, width of a river etc. We cannot measure them accurately, though we can find them using the…
CBSE Book Class 10 Maths HCF and LCM
Please refer to attached file for CBSE Class 10 Maths HCF and LCM
CBSE Book Class 10 Maths Geometrical Construction
Chapter 11 Geometrical Construction Exercise - 22 1.From a point P on the circle of radius 4cm, draw a tangent to the circle without using the centre. Also write steps of construction. 2.Draw a circle of radius 4.5cm. Take a point P on it. Construct a tangent at the point P…