CBSE Class 10 Chemistry Periodic Classification of Elements MCQs

Question : Which of the given elements A, B , C, D and E with atomic numbers 2, 4, 8, 10 and 18 respectively belong to the same period? a) B,C,D b) A, B, C c) A,D,E d) B,D,E Answer :  B,C,D   Question : Which of the following elements would accept an electron…

CBSE Class 9 Science Matter In Our Surroundings MCQs

Question: When a gas jar full of air is placed upside down on a gas jar full of bromine vapours, the red-brown vapours of bromine from the lower jar go upward into the jar containing air. In this experiment: (a) Air is heavier than bromine (b) Both air and bromine have the…