CBSE Class 12 Informatics Practices Web Application Development MCQs

Question: Identify the web browser software from the following options: a) Apache Web Server b) MS Word c) HTML d) Mozilla Firefox Answer: D   Question: A___________ document is created by web server whenever a browser requests the documents. a) active b) static…

CBSE Class 12 Informatics Practices Extensible Markup Language MCQs

Question: CSS means a) Colored system software b) combined style sheet c) Colored style sheet d) cascading style sheet Answer: A   Question: To link an XML document with a stylesheet a) Create XML document b) create a separate CSS stylesheet for XML file c)…

CBSE Class 12 Informatics Practices IT Applications MCQs

Question: A web site to provide online information and services to the citizens is an example of a) e-Business b) e-Mail c) e-Governance d) e-Learning Answer: C   Question: The web-site of an electricity supply company which allows its customers to pay bills…

CBSE Class 12 Informatics Practices More On Sql Grouping Records and Table Joins MCQs

Question: Which of the following will give the same answer irrespective of the NULL values in the specified column: a) MIN() b) MAX() c) SUM() d) None of the above Answer: C   Question: An aggregate function: a) Takes a column name as its arguments b) May take…