CBSE Class 7 English Trees Worksheet

       Questions             Very Short Answer Q1)      What do mothers say when they look at trees? Q2)      Name two fruits mentioned in the poem? Q3)      Which games do children enjoy with the trees? Q4)      How do tress protect us form season? Q5)      How trees are…

CBSE Class 7 English Three Questions Worksheet

            Questions             Very Short Answer Q1)      Who was the writer of three questions? Q2)      What is the most important occupation according to the hermit? Q3)      Why was the king not satisfied with the answers? Q4)      Who was the bearded man in the story…

CBSE Class 7 English The Tiny Teacher Worksheet

            Questions             Very Short Answer Q1)      What is anthill? Q2)      What can we learn from the story the tiny teacher? Q3)      What is the life span of a queen? Q4)      Why do the workers and carry the grubs about? Q5)      How do ants talk or greet other…

CBSE Class 7 English The Story of Cricket Worksheet

Question. Test cricket is unique game in many ways. Discuss some of the ways in which it is different from other team games. How are the peculiarities of Test cricket shaped by its historical beginnings as a village game? Answer. Test cricket is a unique game in many ways. It…

CBSE Class 7 English The Squirrel Worksheet

            Questions NOTE - Read the poem and then write the following exercises in copy or on paper.He wore a question mark for tail,An overcoat of gray,He sat up straight to eat a nut.He liked to tease and play,And if we ran around his tree,He went the other way.Mildred…

CBSE Class 7 English The Shed Worksheet

            Questions SUMMARY OF THE POEMThe poem is about the shed which was a small room away from the main house. It was located at the bottom of the poet’s garden.It was in the worst condition. Whenever poet passed through it, he felt somebody was staring at him. His…

CBSE Class 7 English The Rebel Worksheet

            Questions SUMMARY OF THE POEMThe Rebel The poet simplifies the personality of a rebel. He could be noticed and judged by his actions. Although it is a negative trait as the person breaks the rule and shows totally opposite traits of what is expected.He/she does not…

CBSE Class 7 English The Invention of Vita Wonk Worksheet

Questions             Very Short Answer Q1)      Name the volunteer who swallowed the medicine? Q2)      Who was Vita wonk? Q3)      Which tree does Charlie say lives the longest? Q4)      Who was Charlie? Q5)      How did Mr. Wonka travel?                         Short…

CBSE Class 7 English The Desert Worksheet

            Questions             Very Short Answer Q1)      What is an oasis? Q2)      What is desert? Q3)      What is the unique feature of camel? Q4)      Which animal is known as the ship of the desert? Q5)      What are sand dunes?                         Short Answer…

CBSE Class 7 English The Cop and The Anthem Worksheet

            Questions             Very Short Answer Q1)      Why did soapy not take advantage of charity? Q2)      Where were Soapy spend winters? Q3)      Why did Soapy enter the fine restaurant? Q4)      Why did Soapy pick up a big stone and threw it through the glass? Q5…

CBSE Class 7 English The Bear Story Worksheet

            Questions             Very Short Answer Q1)      Why did cook rush out from the kitchen? Q2)      Where did the lady live? Q3)      What did the bear eat there was two things he was not allowed to do? Q4)      Who loves to play games with the bear? Q5)      In the…

CBSE Class 7 English The Ashes that Made Trees Bloom Worksheet

            Questions             Very Short Answer Q1)      Who called Daimios? Q2)      Who is the author of the story the ashes that made trees bloom? Q3)      Why did the Daimio reward the farmer? Q4)      What preparations did the kind old couple make for the New Year?…

CBSE Class 7 English Quality Worksheet

            Questions             Very Short Answer Q1)      What was written over Gessler? Q2)      How did Gessler died? Q3)      Who were Gessler Brothers? Q4)      How were the shoes of distinct? Q5)      Why was the name plate missing at Mr Gessler…

CBSE Class 7 English Mystery of The Talking Fan Worksheet

            Questions             Very Short Answer Q1)      Who oiled the motor? Q2)      What was the talking Fan demanding? Q3)      Who is the poet of the poem Mystery of the Talking Fan? Q4)      What was the connection between the motor and the fan’s Chatter? Q5)     …

CBSE Class 7 English Meadow Surprises Worksheet

            Questions             Very Short Answer Q1)      Who is the poet of Meadow surprises? Q2)      What type of houses do we see in the meadows? Q3)      Why do dandelions become airy parachutes? Q4)      How do we scare a rabbit? Q5)      Where can the velvety soft…