CBSE Class 5 English Conjunctions MCQs

  Question: _________ joins two words or groups of words and help to show the connection between them. a) conjunction b) interjection c) none of them Answer: conjunction   Question: We use ________ to connect two similar ideas. a) and b) but c) none of…

CBSE Class 5 English Prepositions MCQs

Question: __________ show a noun or pronoun in relation to place, time, movement, position, agency Manner and so on. a) preposition b) adverb c) conjunction Answer: preposition   Question: The roots of the tree are ________ the ground. a) under b) over c) on…

CBSE Class 5 English Quantifiers MCQs

Question: Quantifiers express an _________ quantity a) indefinite b) definite c) none of them Answer: indefinite   Question: Quantifiers differ from numerals which express a _________ quantity a) definite b) indefinite c) none of them Answer: definite  …

CBSE Class 5 English Adjectives MCQs

Question: my, his your and there are the example of ________ adjectives a) possessive b) demonstrative c) none of them Answer: possessive   Question: This, these, that, those are the example of _______ adjectives. a) demonstrative b) possessive c) none of them…

CBSE Class 5 English Pronoun MCQs

Question: I, me, he, she, it, they are called ________ pronoun. a) personal b) possessive c) none of them Answer: personal   Question: Mine, yours, hers, theirs, ours are called ________ pronoun. a) possessive b) demonstrative c) reflexive Answer: possessive…

CBSE Class 5 English Nouns MCQs

Question: Any qualities, feelings or ideas are referred to be a) Abstract nouns b) common noun c) proper noun Answer: Abstract nouns   Question: Words like crowd, army, fleet and swarm are called a) collective noun b) Abstract noun c) proper noun Answer:…

CBSE Class 5 English Looking Up A dictionary MCQs

  Question: The words in a dictionary are arranged in a _______ order. a) alphabetical b) numerical c) none of them Answer: alphabetical   Question: If the first letter of each word is the same a) second b) third c) none of them Answer: second  …

CBSE Class 5 English Adverbs MCQs

  Question: An ___________ describes a verb, an adjective or another adverb. a) adverb b) adjective c) noun Answer: adverb   Question: There are ___________ types of adverbs. a) four b) five c) three Answer: four   Question: Adverb of ___________…

CBSE Class 5 English Tenses MCQs

Question: ___________ is used for actions in the past when we say (or think) of the time it happened. a) simple past b) present perfect c) none of them Answer: simple past   Question: ___________ is used for past actions which have results now. a) present perfect…

CBSE Class 5 English Helping Verb MCQs

  Question: ___________ verbs are helping verbs. a) Auxiliary b) Main verb c) none of them Answer: Auxiliary   Question: Mother, how ___________ birds fly? a) can b) is c) will Answer: can   Question: ___________ he smoke? a) does b) none of them…

CBSE Class 5 English Articles MCQs

Question: The words a, an and the are called a) articles b) sentence c) none of them Answer: articles   Question: A and An are called __________ articles. a) indefinite b) none of them c) definite Answer: indefinite   Question: The is called the…

CBSE Class 5 English Punctuation MCQs

Question: Choose the correct option a) How tall you have grown! b) none of them c) How tall you have grow Answer: How tall you have grown!   Question: Choose the correct option a) I have bought beans, carrots and onions b) I have bought beans and carrots and…

CBSE Class 5 English Voice MCQs

Question: We make ice cream from milk. This statement is in ________ voice a) active b) passive c) none of them Answer: active   Question: Ice cream is made from milk. This statement is in _________ voice. a) passive b) active c) none of them Answer: passive…

CBSE Class 5 English Sentences Questions and Answers MCQs

Question: There are _______ kinds of sentences a) four b) five c) none of them Answer: four   Question: ________ are some times called declarative sentences. a) statements b) questions c) commands Answer: statements   Question: ________ are also called…

CBSE Class 5 English Elements of A Sentence MCQs

  Question: A _______ has a subject and a predicate a) sentence b) group of words c) none of them Answer: sentence   Question: The _______ tells us what the sentence is about a) subject b) none of them c) predicate Answer: subject   Question: The…