CBSE Class 11 Psychology What Is Psychology Assignment

What is Psychology?   ♦  Psychology–Introduction   • Psychology is derived from two Greek words ‘psyche’ that means soul and ‘logos’ that means science or the study of a subject. • Psychology can be defined as a science which studies mental processes,…

CBSE Class 11 Psychology Thinking Assignment

1. Define the term ‘thinking’. 2. Define the following terms: (a) Image (b) Concepts (c) Prototype (d) Problem solving (e) Decision-making (f) Judgment (g) Creative thinking 3. What are the obstacles in solving problems? 4. How is deductive reasoning different from…

CBSE Class 11 Psychology Sensation Attentional And Perceptual Processes Assignment

1. Define the following:  I. Sensation II. Attention III. Selective Attention IV. Sustained Attention V. Span of Attention VI. Divided Attention VII. Light adaptation VIII. Dark adaptation IX. Perception X. Kinesthetic system XI. Vestibular system XII. Cognitive styles…

CBSE Class 11 Psychology Revision Assignment

Each student has to make a project file and do the holiday homework in the same. (project file carries 5 marks in exam. Project file can be a spiral folder with plain colored sheets. Creativity and dedication are important aspects. 1. Choose an interesting person (eminent…

CBSE Class 11 Psychology Motivation And Emotion Assignment

1. Define the term ‘motivation’. 2. Explain the motivational cycle. 3. Draw the motivational cycle. 4. Explain the two types of motives. 5. Give examples of: (1) Biological motives (2) Psychosocial motives 6. Discuss the physiological mechanism of hunger. 7. Explain the…

CBSE Class 11 Psychology Methods Of Enquiry In Psychology Assignment

Q1- A researcher is studying the relationship between speed of cycling and the presence of people. Formulate a relevant hypothesis and identify the independent and dependent variables.  Q2 – Define the following terms:  (i) Hypothesis (ii) Observation (iii)…

CBSE Class 11 Psychology Learning Assignment

1. Define the term ‘learning’. 2. Name different types of learning. 3. Write short note on classical conditioning. 4. What are the determinants of classical conditioning? 5. Write short note on Operant conditioning. 6. What are the determinants of Operant conditioning? 7…

CBSE Class 11 Psychology Human Memory Assignment

1. Define the term ‘memory’ and ‘forgetting’. 2. Discuss the stage model of memory. 3. What is the ‘level of processing’ view of memory? 4. Describe the types and sub-types of long-term memory. 5. Explain the hierarchical network model of memory. 6. What is dual coding…

CBSE Class 11 Psychology Human Development Assignment

1. Define the following terms: (a) Development (b) Growth (c) Maturation (d) Genotype (e) Phenotype (f) Developmental stages (g) Developmental tasks (h) Adolescence (i) Reflexes (j) Attachment (k) Egocentricism (l) Imaginary audience (m) Personal fable 2. What are teratogens?…

CBSE Class 11 Psychology Motivation And Emotion Worksheet

Q1.Where does the word "Motivation" come from? Explain with the help of motivational cycle? Q2.What are the physiological changes that take place within the body because of which we feel hungry? Q3."People always want to be in company of others and try to find similarities with…

CBSE Class 11 Psychology Thinking Worksheet

THINKING Q1. What is thinking? Explain the nature of thinking. Q2. Explain the mental operations involved in solving a problem. Q3. “While solving a problem, there are various obstacles that may hinder in between”.    (a) What are those problems?    (b…

CBSE Class 11 Psychology Human Memory Worksheet

Q1. "Memory is conceptualized as a process consisting of 3 independent interrelated stages". Justi fy. Q2. Human memory processes information in the same way as a computer does. Justify your states with the help of Atkinson - Schifrin model. Q3. "Long - Term Memory process…

CBSE Class 11 Psychology Learning Worksheet

LEARNING Q1. “Learning is a relatively in permanent change in behaviour potential produced by experiences”. This process of learning has several distinct characteristics? Explain these characteristics in detail. Q2. Rahul is an 8 year old boy who was whenever prosecuted…

CBSE Class 11 Psychology Sensory Attentional And Perceptional Processes Worksheet

SENSORY, ATTENTIONAL AND PERCEPTIONAL PROCESSES Q1. What is Attention? Why is attention known to have a focus and a fringe? Q2. How is the theory of Multimode different from Filter attenuation? Q3. What is perception? What processes in the brain lead to perception? Draw…

CBSE Class 11 Psychology Human Development Worksheet

HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Q1. Differentiate between (a) development and growth (b) Genotype and Phenotype Q2. Explain any 5 assumptions that are followed according to the life span perspective? Q3. “Development is commonly described in terms of periods of stages.” Mention all…