CBSE Class 2 Computers Know Your Computer Worksheet

know your computer 1. Fill in the blanks:- a. ______is used to store information. b. Speakers are used to______ . c. ______is used to record voice , music and sound into computer. d. ______keeps the computer ON when electricity goes OFF. e. ______helps to take your work on…

CBSE Class 2 Computers Uses of Computers Worksheet

Class - 2 Topic – Uses of Computers Subject - Computer   Fill in the blanks : Question. A computer helps to withdraw money from ______ . Answer : ATM Question. A computer helps to read ______ in the library. Answer : E-books Question. Computers help…

CBSE Class 2 Computers Keyboard Worksheet

Q1. Guess who am I :- a. I am a type of computer and I am kept on a desk . I am a ______________________ b. I am round in shape and is use to store information .I am a ______________________ c. I am a type of computer and is kept on a lap . I am a ______________________ d…

CBSE Class 2 Computers Handling a Mouse Worksheet

Handling a Mouse Q1.Answer the following:   1. Name the two types of scroll mouse. _____________________________________   2. List the four functions of mouse. ______________________________________________   Q2.Label the parts of mouse given in the…

CBSE Class 2 Computers Practice Worksheet

Q1. Name the following: 1. Fastest computer in the world ____ 2. Computer which is small like a briefcase ___ 3. Computer which you can keep in your pocket __ 4. Computer which is kept on the table ___ 5. Five places where you see a computer ____  Q2. True and false…