How to improve confidence level

When answering Board examinations, it is easy to feel fear and lose your self-confidence. CBSE Board examinations are typically known for anxiety and terror for students, and at this time, students start losing confidence. This happens especially to those student have performed exceptionally well at all others times. The burden of expectations rises so high, it makes the student begin to self-doubt if they would be able to meet up to those expectations.

Here are a few tips for parents to help keep their children’s confidences high as they face a new year at school, at the end of which, they will be again answering a set of papers determining their excellence.

Always Praise Your Child – Students prosper when praised. Positive feedback on a previous exam will not only motivate your child toward more achievements, they will also feel appreciated, and will feel that their efforts are valued. Thus their confidences will stay stable when they face a new set of classes.

Give Genuine Praise – Do not give empty praises. A child can make out the difference between genuine praise that is offered them when they have performed well, and empty praise when they know that they have actually not achieved their best.

Do Not Compare – Every student performs differently in their Board exams. Teachers and parents alike should not compare between any two students. How a child performs depends on their hobbies, passions and their abilities.

Help Your Child – Sit with them as they study. Source out old CBSE papers, and their answer sheets. Try to understand their subjects, and do not make studying an all-time occurrence at the dinner table, car trips and fun times. Restrict both yourself and your child to limiting study to the study-table.

Keep A Fun Calendar – All study and no play will make your child a dull kid. Do not make them sit with their books all the time. Take them out for picnics, parties and to the movies. Invite them to watch the News with you, and to discuss the latest topics. Be up to date on the latest news share on CBSE too.

Challenge Your Child – Your child is always improving as a student. Help them improve by acknowledging their efforts. If they are having difficulty in a particular subject, for example Mathematics, sit with them and help them to understand what they do not get. Do not berate them for not keeping up.

Do Not Sign up For Tuitions – Sending your child to too many tuitions is a sure way to plummet their confidence. The number of CBSE classes offered these days in various tuitions is too many to count. However, by signing the student up for so many classes, you are cutting down on the number of hours they get to self-study. Do remember that it is not only classes and tuition that matters, but also how much the child is able to revise.

Do remember that students require constant validation from both parents and students. Losing their self-confidence at this age would only cause them issues further in their lives.

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